Noor’s Raw Milk Potassium Smoothie

Noor’s Raw Milk Potassium Smoothie

Full of Probiotics, Potassium, and Phytonutrients 

Smooth, creamy, and healthy.

Smooth, creamy, and healthy.

Did you ever try raw milk? Well if not, let me explain. Raw milk is unheated, unpasteurized, unprocessed milk. It contains live probiotics, and since it’s not pasteurized the enzymes that help you digest lactose are not killed- it’s easy to digest even for those that are lactose intolerant! I don’t drink conventional milk, so it was a definite treat to drink this raw milk, especially knowing the numerous benefits it has. 

So while I was in Turkey this past summer visiting my sister, I put together this raw milk potassium smoothie. The raw milk provides live enzymes and plenty of probiotics. Tossing in the banana doesn’t only provide potassium, but also fiber to aid in digestion. Bananas are high in Vitamin B6, manganese, and surprising to some, has Vitamin C. I must mention I try to always use bananas that a ripen, with brown spots on it .Believe it or not but it will have more benefits for you. Plenty of digestive, cardiovascular, and athletic performance benefits come from bananas too. Need to say more? I didn’t think so.

The flaxseeds provide healthy fats, Vitamin B1, and omega-3 fatty acids, which we need from food sources. Flaxseeds are wonderful anti-inflammatory super-seeds.

The honey is more than just a natural sweetener; it has numerous benefits including antimicrobial and antioxidant benefits, along with the wonderful phytonutrients. We only buy unheated and unpasteurized raw honey. Check these raw honey options out. 

So, what’s not good about this smoothie? It tastes amazing, makes a perfect dessert, and has mind-blowing benefits.


¾ cup raw milk

1 small banana, ripen (with the wonderful brown spots)

1 tablespoon flaxseeds

1 tablespoon honey, unpasteurized


Extremely Easy Directions:

Place milk, banana, flaxseeds and honey in a single serve blender. Blend until smooth.

Raw milk, ripe banana, Turkish local honey, and flax.

Raw milk, ripe banana, Turkish local honey, and flax.

Place in single serve blender.

Place in single serve blender.

Drink immediately for maximum benefits.

Drink immediately for maximum benefits.

Drink immediately to receive maximum benefits.


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. bobbyjessica2319
    Dec 12, 2014 @ 11:40:46

    Wow. That sounds super good.! I feel like such a junk food vegetarian compared to you. Lol but I will definitely be trying raw milk now.!!



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